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KMID : 0359019850050010041
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1985 Volume.5 No. 1 p.41 ~ p.44
The Successful Dissolution of 2 Cases Fat Bezoars by Pancreatic Lipase
½É±Ô½Ä/Shim KS
Á¤ÀνÄ/Á¤Áø¹Î/ÀÌâµ·/ÀÌ¿µ¼®/¼±Èñ½Ä/Á¤¿Ï±¹/Chung IS/Chung JM/Lee CD/Lee YS/Sun HS/Chung WK
Gastric bezoars are large masses or concretions, composed with plant fiber, hair and miscellaneous foreign bodies, found in the stomach and occur usually as sequele of gastric surgery. We experienced 2 cases of fat bezoars which developed after drinking of melted beef fst. They had postprandial epigastric fullness and pain, those were relieved on supine and left recumbent position. Upper gastrointestinal series showed a large movable mass in the stomach in hoth cases. On gastrofibercopic examination, a large egg sized white bezoar was cordirmed in both cases and a gastrie ulcer at antrum associated in one case. In attempt to removal of the bezoars, we tried to break them, but failed because of its character. The patients were treated with pancreatic lipase containg digestives, Pancreon-F and Azintal. From one day after this treatment, symptoms were completely relieved. Five days later, we confirmed disappearance of bezoars by gastrofiberscopy. and upper gastrointestinal barium
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